Repetitive Rabin cryptosystem.


  • category : crypto
  • points : 467


Someone was thinking encrypting again and again helps, prove them wrong.

c = 196353764385075548782571270052469419021844481625366305056739966550926484027148967165867708531585849658610359148759560853

File :


Content of :

def encrypt(m):
	return pow(m,2,n)

p = 5411451825594838998340467286736301586172550389366579819551237
q = 5190863621109915362542582192103708448607732254433829935869841

n = p*q

flag = int('d4rk{*************REDACTED!!!!!!************}code'.encode('hex'),16)

l = encrypt(flag)
while l > flag:
    l = encrypt(l)
We have : \(n = p * q, p, q, c\). To encrypt a message \(m\) the script does
\(m^2 \pmod n = c\).

The encryption remembers RSA, however in this case we have \(e = 2\) which is not a possible exponent in RSA because \(\gcd(2, \varphi(n)) = 2\) and so the inverse of \(e\) in \(\varphi(n)\) is not possible. This cryptosystem with exponent \(2\) is the Rabin cryptosystem.

Decrypting a ciphertext \(c\) we get 4 different results. To decrypt we need to:

    • Compute \(mp = c^{\frac{1}{4}*(p + 1)} \pmod p\)
    • Compute \(mq = c^{\frac{1}{4}*(q + 1)} \pmod q\)
    • Both can be expressed as :
  • Use Extended Euclidean algorithm to find \(yp\) and \(yq\) s.t. \(yp * p + yq * q = \gcd(p, q) = 1\)
  • Use the Chinese remainder theorem to find the fours square roots of \(c \pmod n\) :
    • \(r1 = (yp * p * mq + yq * q * mp) \pmod n\)
    • \(r2 = n - r1\)
    • \(r3 = (yp * p * mq - yq * q * mq) \pmod n\)
    • \(r4 = n - r3\)


During encryption the challenger encrypts the flag \(n\) times, we don’t know how many times (\(n\)) because we don’t know the flag. To solve the problem we can imagine the following graph :

Where recursively during the decryption we create \(4\) times more nodes at each level. In the level \(i\) there will be \(4^i\) nodes.

To solve this problem we can implement a BFS. Implementing a DFS is not a valid approach. We don’t have the graph structure and we need to create one on the fly, with a DFS we don’t know where to stop “searching”.

BFS pseudocode:

procedure BFS(G,start_v):
    let Q be a queue
    label start_v as discovered
    while Q is not empty
        v = Q.dequeue()
        if v is the goal:
            return v
        for all edges from v to w in G.adjacentEdges(v) do
            if w is not labeled as discovered:
                label w as discovered
                w.parent = v


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from modsqrt import modular_sqrt 
# Taken from :
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

p = 5411451825594838998340467286736301586172550389366579819551237
q = 5190863621109915362542582192103708448607732254433829935869841
n = p * q

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

def bfs(ct):
    # Define queue
    queue = []
    while len(queue) != 0:
        # Pop element from queue 
        v = queue.pop(0)
        # Check if it's the right one
        if b'd4rk{' in long_to_bytes(v):
        # Computes...
        mp = modular_sqrt(v, p)
        mq = modular_sqrt(v, q)
        g, yp, yq = egcd(p, q)
        r1 = (yp * p * mq + yq * q * mp) % n
        r2 = n - r1
        r3 = (yp * p * mq - yq * q * mp) % n 
        r4 = n - r3
        possible_pt = [r1, r2, r3, r4]
        # Enqueue
        for pt in possible_pt:
            if not pt in queue:

def main():
    c = 196353764385075548782571270052469419021844481625366305056739966550926484027148967165867708531585849658610359148759560853

if __name__ == '__main__':

